Saturday, 24 March 2018
Stair Models
Stair 1:
The supporting bars are made of steel alloy while the steps are made of concrete.
Stair 2:
Both steps and handles are made of concrete. However, the handle is covered with textures- flexible to the choice of the client.
Outer stairs:
SketchUp Model Images


Section Cut (Front Elevation):

Section Cut (Side Elevation):

Exploded View (Axonometric):

Exploded View:

Top View:

Top View (Second Floor):

Top View (First Floor):

Top View (Ground Floor):


The main concept of the studio is flexibility; which can be seen through the incorporation of numerous, dynamic elements.
On the ground floor, a large, concrete display table is fixed in the center of the room. This is a space for discussion, collaboration and presentation. The table contains multiple integrated chairs which can be slide in and out of the table- providing seats when vacant while minimising space usage when not. The integration of multiple movable walls allow the manipulation of the space, catering for the clients' various needs. Thus, a large work space can be condensed into private working areas or expanded into large meeting rooms.

Another recurring theme integrated into the studio are rounded or curved objects. This is to reflect the constantly changing characteristic of both clients; CJ Hendry and Gucci. It highlights the notion of their dynamic works- just as a circle constantly changes direction, so does the trend of their contemporary works.

Movable walls can also be found on the first floor. Due to the dynamic nature of the client's works, the flexibility of the movable wall allow them to manipulate the space whenever they want. The movable walls can also be ornamented with textures or drawings. Display podiums can also be adjusted as shown in the image above.
SketchUp Model Development
Draft 1:

Section Cut (Front Elevation):

Section Cut (Front Elevation):

Draft 2:

Section Cut (Front Elevation):


Section Cut (Front Elevation):

Friday, 16 March 2018
Week 3: Textures
Two simple shapes (before and after texture applied) showcasing works of each client: CJ Hendry and Gucci.
Clients' Works:

Textures applied to SketchUp model:

Photo of two custom textures applied to the SketchUp model. One is applied on a canvas-shaped model in the background while the other is applied on the movable wall. This showcases the flexibility of the movable wall as a tool which not only manipulate space but also a medium for displaying the client's work.

These large. circular structures placed outside the studio serve as a display ornament with its peculiar design. It is intended to prepare the mindset of every visitor- that they are about to enter a creative space that is different to the average building. It serves to display removable-posters which clients can showcase to visitors before entering- highlighting certain works or themes. As a result, it acts as flexible medium that caters for the client's constantly changing works.

The first floor is equipped with numerous movable walls that have different textures applied to them. This can be easily changed according to the client's needs.
Idea inspired by video:
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